Advanced Semiconductor Technology Facility


Dr. W. Alan Doolittle


Contact Information:

Phone and Fax: 404-894-9884



School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology

777 Atlantic Dr.

Atlanta, GA 30332-0250


Education and Outreach

The faculty and students of the ASTF continually seek out opportunities to share the fun of engineering.  No other profession offers as much opportunity to do different  things every day.   No day is the same!  These outreach opportunities include…


... on campus tours and seminars...

... providing summer research opportunities for high school science teachers...

... providing undergraduate research opportunities.

... participating in the various Ga Tech NRC hosted nanotechnology summer camps, school year camps and special topic camps...

... speaking at local junior high and high schools...

Text Box: Dr. Alan Doolittle, Kaye Sheets (Patrick Henry High School) and  Jacquelyn Thomas (DeKalb Co High School) discuss an absorption measurement the two science teachers developed.
Text Box: Mike Lanham from Sprayberry High school gowns cleanroom attire while developing a sample database management system for MBE systems at ASTF
Text Box: Dr. Doolittle and his graduate students  often speak at and help with the nanoelectronic camps hosted by the Ga Tech Nanotechnology Research Center.  Here an article in Dr. Doolittle’s home town paper describes the experiences of Henry County middle school students seeing various color LEDs made from differing semiconductor materials and lithography tools used to manufacture various semiconductor devices.
Text Box: Dr. Doolittle giving one of many outreach lectures and LED lab tour to a middle school field trip to Ga Tech.  These occur several times a year.  “Fun” lectures on nanotechnology are given along with liquid nitrogen demonstrations of the ideal gas law.

Students were able to see a LED wafer under the microscope / probe station and "light it up" by turning a control on the power supply - a huge hit with the kids.
Text Box: Dr. Doolittle explaining nanoelectronic atomic assembly using epitaxy to Luella middle school students.  Lectures are often given to students in classes held in trailers due to overcrowding caused by Atlanta's rapid growth.
Text Box: Dr. Doolittle has advised more than 20 undergraduate research experience projects. A few are described below:
Brinda K. Ramaiya: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Summer 2001. Topic:  “Pyrometer Growth Monitor using Labview”
Brian Davis: Advised on a Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering program Project (SURE) Summer 2001.  Topic: “Labview automation of a Hall measurement system”
Peter Pappas: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Fall and Spring 2001/2002.  Topic: “Microcontroller interface for an auto-tuning RF plasma matching network”
Mustayeen Nayeem: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project  UROP) Summer 2002.  Topic: “Implementation of a differential capacitance circuit in a deep level transient spectroscopy system”
Mark Verghese: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Spring and Fall 2002.  Topic: “Temperature Control Implementation of a Semiconductor Growth Recipe Reader”
Hitesh Upadhyay: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Fall 2002 and Spring 2003.  Topic: “Implementation of a variable magnetic field hall measurement system using Labview”
This project was awarded a President's Undergraduate Research Award (PURA) to pursue this topic in Fall 2002 / Spring 2003.
Dhairya Menta: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Spring 2002 and Fall 2002.  Topic: “Implementation of a stepper motor control for a RF plasma source impedance matching network”
Reshma Parekh: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Fall 2002 and Spring 2003.  Topic: “Development of a pulse interface for a deep level transient spectroscopy system”
Vikas J. Parekh: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Fall 2002.  Topic: “Development of a MOSFET Characterization System based on source-measurement units”
Jinesh Karia: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Fall 2002.  Topic: “Implementation of a variable frequency conductance measurement for extraction of the density of interface states”
Gautam Khanna: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Fall 2002.  Topic: “Study of doping behavior in Lithium Niobate”
Salil Arora: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Fall 2002.  Topic: “Design of a General Electronic Materials Characterization Photomask using AutoCad”
Ming Teng Han: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Fall 2002.  Topic: “Implementation and Testing of a Mercury for Probe Rapid Characterization of Semiconductor Materials”
Ranit Windlass: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Summer 2003.  Topic: “Design of a temperature compensated logarithmic voltage amplifier”
William Laws Calley III: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Summer 2003 and Fall 2003.  Topic: “Sputtering of and Fabrication of LiNbO3 alternative gate dielectrics for SiC power transistors”. 
Brian S. Smith:  Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Spring 2003 and Summer 2003.  Topic: “Implementation of a capacitance voltage measurement system in a Labview environment”
Alexis Sanderlin: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Spring 2003.  Topic: “Determination of crystal quality by x-ray diffraction”
Alan Ngo: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project  (UROP) Spring 2003.  Topic: “MOSFET parameter extraction using Labview”
Arnab Das: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Spring 2004.  Topic: “Computer Control of an Antimony valved cracker for molecular beam epitaxy”
John Erdelt: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Spring 2004.  Topic: “Microcontroller implementation of a fuel injection system” 
Ephraim Lucas: Advised on a Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering program Project (SURE) Summer 2004.  Topic: “Validation and Calibration of a SiC Chemical Vapor Deposition System”
Deborah M. Johnson: Advised on an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project (UROP) Spring 2004.  Topic: “Labview based Current-Voltage Characterization system development”
Andera Pinkney-Hawkins:  Advised on a Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering program Project (SURE) Summer 2005.  Topic: “Labview Automation of a Photoluminescence Monochromator”