Dr. W. Alan Doolittle


Contact Information:

Phone and Fax: 404-894-9884

Email: alan.doolittle@ece.gatech.edu


School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology

777 Atlantic Dr.

Atlanta, GA 30332-0250


Advanced Semiconductor Technology Facility


Materials Grown in past:  

 Gallium/Aluminum/Indium Arsenide/Antimonide


Applications of these Materials:

 Infrared detectors


 Near Terahertz (several hundred GHz) transistors

Tool was completely Cleaned in 2008 allowing the safe and rapid development of MBE new tool technologies.

Presently used for MBE tool development and...

Major tools developed include:

· Co-development of long working distance AUGER system for in-situ chemical analysis.  Commercialized by Staib Inc.

· In-situ flux-monitor (patent pending) allowing flux to be controlled to 4 significant digits in real time.

… and recently used for Rare Earth Metals Epitaxy.

Rare Earth Metals MBE