Sponsored by the Air Force Office of Sponsored Research Program Monitor Dr. Ali Sayir |
Organization and Approach |
Dr. Alan Doolittle 209 Pettite MiRC Building Address: 777 Atlantic Dr. Atlanta, GA 30332-0250 alan.doolittle@ece.gatech.edu |
For more information, contact Principle Investigator, Dr. Alan Doolittle. |
Organization and Approach The CEREBRAL MURI is arranged in an “atoms to brain” format where we: A) model, measure, design and synthesize new adaptive oxide materials from the atomic scale; B) fabricate and test devices made from these novel materials; C) and explore the unique ways these devices can be utilized in the complex world of neuromorphic circuits, thus staying true to the charge of the program – “enable neuromorphic technologies by understanding and manipulating the atomistic world”. The materials and devices from the Vogel and Doolittle labs provided the focus of collaborations linking 1) the thermal (Graham) and electronic studies (Piper) of the materials and interfaces with atomistic modeling (Lee) and 2) the device and circuit level integration and modeling (Raychowdhury).