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I am not taking any side of this argument and will not try and persuade anyone of a “proper viewpoint” - I leave your opinions to yourselves.  The following reading assignments for ECE4740 are meant to prompt an informed opinion about a potentially serious problem (although I leave it up to the student to decide how serious it is).  For more background on the problem, see lecture 1 for this class.  I have made no attempt to provide equal time to all points of view but instead have selected specific reading to highlight lesser known points.  In doing so, I admittedly and unfortunately may give undue weight to lesser points.  If anyone (students only) has a reading assignment they would like me to post for future classes, as long as it is respectful, I will be glad to do so.


Why am I doing this?

As a professor, I often see students and more so, professors who hold opinions based on what they have heard.  This social class of “educated ignorant” people comes about because of time pressures that limit one’s ability to research “facts”.  Most times, opinions are formed on this topic based on politics not based on scientific facts.  For example, often we hear that scientific debate is over on this topic, yet still serious issues are unresolved.  Given the complexity of the problem, the even more complex and costly solutions  it is my goal with this reading assignment homework to force you to spend a reasonable amount of time to research the topic and come to an informed opinion on your own.

Opinion Category: Man is “Very Likely” the Cause Opinions

Useful Background Information (mostly neutral/pro AGW)

* The terms “Very Likely” is from the IPCC opinion statement on Anthropogenic Climate Change.

Opinion Category: Often Discussed but non-scientific peer reviewed sources

Opinion Category: There may be other causes other than man’s effect or We are not sure how serious/real the problem is

Opinion Category: Climate Gate (Claims of rigging peer review to squash contrarian opinions, deleting raw non-manipulated data, and data presentation tricks).

Dr. Alan Doolittle

Dr. Alan Doolittle

208 Pettite MiRC Building


777 Atlantic Dr.

Atlanta, GA 30332-0250

Phone & Fax: 404 894-9884

ECE 4470 Devices for Renewable Energy

Anthropogenic Climate Change Reading Assignments

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