Lecture Page
Lecture 1— Green House Effect and Anthropogenic Climate Change
Lecture 2— Properties of Sunlight
Honsberg and Bowden Online “Text”
Anthropogenic Climate Change Reading Assignments
Lecture 3a— What to look for in a solar cell
Lecture 3b— Introduction to semiconductors
Lecture 4— Collecting Junctions pn, Schottky, and Heterojunctions
Lecture 5— Diode IV Equations and Solar Cell Measurements
Lecture 6— Absorption, Photogeneration and Recombination
Lecture 7B— Thin Film PV
Lecture 7C— Thin Film Concentrator PV Presentation from IMEC
Lecture 8— Thermoelectrics
Lecture 9— Battery Storage Technologies
Lecture 7A— Silicon PV (see online text)
Lecture 1b— Types of Solar Power Sources
Dr. Alan Doolittle
208 Pettite MiRC Building
777 Atlantic Dr.
Atlanta, GA 30332-0250
Phone & Fax: 404 894-9884
ECE 4470 Devices for Renewable Energy