Dr. Alan Doolittle
Note: Some of these notes contain errors that will be corrected in class. You are responsible for any corrections given in class. Also, these Lecture notes are to supplement the class discussions, reading material and homework. Not everything that you “need to know” is included within these notes and videos.
DO NOT DOWNLOAD BEYOND THE INDICATED LECTURE! If you do, you may miss corrections or additions. |
Lectures above the red arrow are valid |
End of Material For Exam 1 |
End of Material For Exam 2 |
End of Material For Exam 3 |
Extra Material For Final Exam |
Dr. Alan Doolittle 208 Pettite MiRC Building Address: 777 Atlantic Dr. Atlanta, GA 30332-0250 Phone & Fax: 404 894-9884 alan.doolittle@ece.gatech.edu |
ECE 3040 Microelectronic Circuits Lecture Notes |
Archived Digital Electronics Lectures not Covered Under Present Class Format |